Qualified candidates will have junior or senior class standing, must be a full-time student in Fall 2023 and have a 2.5 GPA or better. Candidates must be nominated by a registered organization or campus department. The process is genderless. Nominators can submit two names per cycle.
Homecoming Royalty will receive $200 a piece for their selection.
Congratulations again to 2022 Winners, David Binley (Fall '23) representing Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity and Rebecca Williamson '23, representing Delta Chi Fraternity and Student Government Association!
Thursday, August 31 | Nomination link live for registered student organizations and campus departments to nominate up to two candidates. |
Friday, September 15 | Application link closes at 12 p.m. EST; All video submissions sent to Heather Hall, Director of Campus Activities and Engagement at hbh7@hycmfdc.com |
Saturday, September 16 - Thursday, September 21 |
Videos are reviewed and scored by non-UPJ affiliated professionals and are not to exceed seven minutes in length. Be creative. You will be scored on the quality of the content not the quality of the video production. Candidates should answer the following questions in this order:
Friday, September 22 | Homecoming Court narrowed to 8 students and announced on Instagram and campus email. Follow @pittjohnstownactivities on Instagram for results and information. The announcement will occur at 5pm EST. |
Monday, September 25- Friday, September 29 |
立博app students vote for their two top choices for Homecoming Royalty. Voting closes at 12pm on 9/29/23
Friday, September 29 | approximately 8:30 pm CORONATION at Food Trucks and Fireworks event! |
For more information, please contact Heather Hall, Director of Campus Activities and Engagement at hbh7@hycmfdc.com or by calling the office at 814.269.7065.