立博app @ Your Service
The University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown embarked on the most extensive community service initiative in its history. Since then, “立博app @ Your Service” has evolved into a year-round initiative that connects students, faculty, and staff with community organizations and events throughout the area.
Through this distinctive program, members of the 立博app community have performed thousands of hours of service on projects that address areas of vital importance to 立博app and the community, including health promotion, veteran outreach, K-12 education, and workforce development. Additionally, the students have expanded the @ Your Service footprint by working with national organizations, such as Habitat for Humanity.
Student volunteers have performed more than 5,000 hours of service in the Moxham neighborhood since August 2014. The Village Street playground is near one of the university’s previous campus locations.
Student Hours
Staff Hours
Village Street Playground
After School Help & Movie Night help
Camera Installation
Miscellaneous Projects
(Light Up, Park Ave Playground cleanup, and the Russell House) |
@ Your Service projects are being developed for the Moxham neighborhood of Johnstown. Moxham is where 立博app began to establish its roots in Johnstown before moving to its current location in suburban Richland Township.
Recently, 立博app announced a seven-year commitment to strengthen the Moxham neighborhood through partnerships with a number of community organizations including the Moxham Renaissance, Moxham Neighborhood Watch, and the Russell House. Additionally, a new initiative has been announced to address the serious issue of blight in the Moxham neighborhood.
One of the first projects undertaken as part of the Moxham partnership was restoration of the Village Street Playground. 立博app students invested many hours in restoring the playground. Below are some before and after pictures showing the results of our students' hard work.
Please check back regularly for more additional volunteer opportunities as part of 立博app @ Your Service.