University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown

Advisement and Registration / Student Resources

Course Schedules and Guides

View schedules for current course offerings, guides, and final exams.

Course and Term Withdraw

Students have the option to withdraw from an individual course(s) or the entire term. The process varies based upon the Add/Drop period. Visit the Withdrawal Information page for more details. 


All 立博app students register for classes using the self-service enrollment process. You must have access to Pitt Passport to enroll in classes.

Enrollment Training - ​​PeopleSoft/HighPoint CX User Guide

Training materials are available to learn the functions of PeopleSoft/HighPoint CX.

Forms for Students


  • View Grades
    Students can access their grades in their PeopleSoft/HighPoint Campus Experience (CX), which can be accessed via myPitt.  At the CX Dashboard, open the My Academics menu and select Grades.
  • Grade Verification
    If grade verification is needed for employer reimbursement, or any reason, obtain a copy of your official transcript by either by ordering a transcript or by stopping by 279 Blackington Hall.
  • Missing Grades
    If a current class appears on your transcript or through your Student Center, without a grade, this can be the result of two separate issues: The electronic Grade Roster has not been graded or posted, please check with your instructor for an approximate date of the grade posting.A late registration into the class, which has resulted in a grade not yet issued.   Follow-up with your instructor until the grade appears.
  • Course Repeats
    Consult the Divison Office of your major for the proper procedure of repeating a class and for information on how this will affect your grades and the calculation of your Grade Point Average (GPA). When you repeat a class, you must officially enroll and pay for the class again. University Policy 09-01-09 prohibits any student from attending a class without being officially enrolled for that class. A repeated course, has a notation appearing underneath the previous course taken designating that it is excluded from the GPA. The original course and grade will always remain on your record/transcript. 
  • Grading System
    Grading System Chart

Grading Options/Auditing a Course

Undergraduate courses are offered under one of the following available course grade options:

  • LG - Letter Grade
  • H/S/U - Honors/Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
  • S/NC  -Satisfactory/No Credit
  • LG and H/S/U -  Letter Grade and Honors/Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
  • LG and SNC - Letter Grade and Satisfactory/No Credit

During the enrollment process, the course will default to its assigned grading basis. In the case of LG/SNC courses, the course will default to LG, and SNC will have to be selected by the student in order for the student to receive the SNC grade.  Should the student not choose an appropriate grading basis during initial enrollment, they have the ability to change the grading option using the "Edit enrollment" function in CX for courses up until the end of the add/drop period for a term.  After the add/drop deadline has passed and self-service is disabled to students, students will need to contact the Office of the Registrar to fill out a Grade Option Change Form by the Grade Option Deadline for each term.  

Grading options for each course are approved by the department that offers the course(s) and are not always available options on all courses.  A student may choose any of the grading options available for the course offered but are advised to  check with the Divison of your major before selecting a grading option other than the default grading option for the course.  Although the grading option may be available for a course, certain majors may only permit letter graded courses to satisfy major requirements.  

 A student may audit any course with the permission of the instructor and the academic center offering the course.   Auditing a course results in no quality points, credit hours toward graduation, or GPA impact.  To audit a course, students must enroll in the course, pay tuition for the course, and visit the Office of the Registrar to fill out a Grade Option Change Form.  The form must be signed by the instructor and approved by the Office of the Registrar.

Deadline to change the grading option for a course or to audit a course is no later than the first three weeks of the term in which the course is offered.

Personal Information

Updates to personal information such as name, SSN, address, or phone number can be made according to guidelines designed to protect the identity of our students and maintain the integrity of our student's academic records outlined below. Presentation or delivery of specific documents are required in order to make the most of these changes, so please refer to the guidelines below before attempting to make a personal information change. Fees may be assessed in cases where historical records are affected.

  • Finding your PeopleSoft Number
    PeopleSoft numbers are individuals' main identifiers at the University of Pittsburgh comprised of seven digits.  PeopleSoft numbers are often printed in the lower right corner of Pitt student IDs and can also be found by accessing My Profile in PeopleSoft/HighPoint Campus Experience (CX).
  • Preferred/Chosen Name
    As part of the University's ongoing effort to accommodate the use of a student preferred/chosen name throughout University systems, the primary name is replaced by the preferred/chosen name on 28 pages in PeopleSoft. The preferred/chosen name will only display on these 28 pages if a student has taken the appropriate steps to add a preferred/chosen name. Otherwise, the primary name will display.  To add a preferred/chosen name, see the Add a Preferred/Chosen Name Process document under Personal Information Resources.
    To see the list of PeopleSoft pages where this change will take place, see the PeopleSoft Preferred/Chosen Name Page List.
  • Gender Identity
    Students have the ability to denote their gender identity in PeopleSoft/HighPoint Campus Experience (CX).  This information is optional to provide and can be edited at any time by accessing your CX Dashboard, selecting My Profile from the menu, navigating to the Biographical Info tab, and editing your gender identity.  This information is only displayed to PeopleSoft administrators who have access to students' personal information.  For additional information, consult the PeopleSoft/HighPoint CX Student User Guide on the Student Training page.
  • Personal Gender Pronouns
    Students, faculty, and staff may specify their personal gender pronouns for display in the following University systems: Canvas, Find People (, and NameCoach.  To add your personal gender pronouns, see the Add Personal Gender Pronouns Process document under Personal Information Resources.
  • Name Changes
    Any legal name change in the student information system requires documentation, such as a copy of a marriage license, birth certificate, court order, or divorce decree. We also accept Social Security cards, however in this case will will also need a second form of ID such as a driver's license or passport also showing the new name. E-mail, fax, or visit our office requesting the name change, and attach a copy (do not send originals) of your pertinent documentation. 
  • Social Security Number Changes
    To correct or add your Social Security number to your record, scan/take a photo and e-mail, fax, or visit our office in person to request the change.
  • Address, Phone, and Emergency Contact Changes
    If your mailing or home address changes, it is important that you update it immediately. Failure to change an address may result in not receiving University mailings. If you are a current student, you can update your address by logging onto PeopleSoft/HighPoint CX. Navigate to My Profile and make any necessary changes to your own contact information or emergency contact information.  For additional information, consult the PeopleSoft/HighPoint CX Student User Guide on the Student Training page.  Some students have multiple home addresses, so a new address type entitled "Home 2" has been created. Students choosing to use this feature should maintain the "Home 2" address just as they do the "Home" address.

Remember Important Dates

Visit the Academic Calendar for:

  • Residence hall open/close dates
  • Enrollment Appointments and registration deadlines
  • First and last day of classes
  • Grades and monitored withdrawals
  • Holiday breaks and special University days