The Academic Alert System represents a team approach of faculty and administrators supporting the academic and personal success of 立博app students.
Instructors submit an academic alert to the ASC, identifying students exhibiting at-risk behaviors impacting academic performance. The students are then connected with resources that meet their needs. This identification and referral process is critical the first four weeks of the semester; however, it continues until the course withdrawal deadline of each semester.
How it Works
The Academic Alert System should be used after initial contact between the instructor and student has proven ineffective. Faculty should submit an Academic Alert on students exhibiting academic and personal difficulties interfering with learning, including but not limited to:
- Problems with attendance and/or tardiness
- Persistent late/missing assignments
- Low quiz/exam scores
- Behavioral issues
- Other concerns impacting academic performance
Instructors should not submit and Academic Alert for students who have never attended the course—the Registrar’s Office collects that information.
Reporting a Concern
Academic Alerts are no longer submitted using the Campus Services website and should now be submitted via the Pathways system. Instructions are below:
What Happens Next?
Upon receiving an Academic Alert, ASC staff will send an email to the student’s Pitt email, encouraging him/her to meet with an ASC staff member to discuss his/her academic progress and next steps.